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Driving while intoxicated is a danger to both the driver and everyone they encounter on the road. To keep roads safe, officers will stop anyone suspected of intoxicated driving. They may conduct field tests for sobriety or ask

With the rise of smartphone technology and social media, ‘sexting’ and sending naked photos has become normal for some people. If you have sent a naked photo to someone who did not ask for it, you may be

During a traffic stop, you’re taken by surprise when the police officer suddenly asks to search your vehicle. Can you say no? Can cops search your car without a search warrant or a reason? The Fourth Amendment of

In the state of Florida, child enticement is considered a very serious crime and is not taken lightly by the criminal justice system. If you are being charged with luring, soliciting, seducing, or enticing a child, you face

If you find yourself facing charges for criminal threats or intimidation in the state of Florida, you may wonder if the charges are actually justified—especially if you did not act on the alleged threats. After all, is it

If you are convicted of a crime in the state of Florida, parole and probation are two possibilities for legal penalties you may eventually face. In conversation, people may use these words interchangeably, but there is a significant

If you have been involved in a court case in Florida, you may have heard the term “no contest plea.” But what exactly does it mean, and when is it a good option?  No contest pleas may sound

Florida has some of the toughest drug laws in the country. Being found guilty of drug possession in Florida can lead to severe penalties—including heavy fines, extensive jail time, and other consequences that can impact the rest of

Cybercrime refers to any crime that involves using a computer or networked device to commit a criminal act or committing a crime that targets a computer. There are dozens of different types of cybercrimes, ranging from cyberbullying to

Controlled substances in Florida are subject to strict legal rules and regulations—but they are not always illegal to have in your possession. But being charged with the possession of a controlled substance that you are not cleared to

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