



Each year, roughly 5,000 motor vehicle crashes in Florida involve someone driving under the influence. However, this number grossly underrepresents the number of Floridians pulled over and arrested for a DUI yearly. Just how long does a DUI

Driving under the influence of marijuana or any other drug is referred to as “drugged driving.” The penalties for drugged driving, including a marijuana DUI, are prosecuted under the same laws as drinking and driving.  In any state,

Not only does driving while intoxicated endanger the lives of other motorists on the road, but people who drink and drive may find themselves facing harsh penalties if convicted of a DUI in Florida. In addition to costly

DUI checkpoints are not just an urban myth. They are real and legal in many states. Also known as sobriety checkpoints, DUI checkpoints are often set up near restaurants and bars in the late evening and first hours

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