

Sex Offenses

Sex Offenses

Accused of committing a sex crime? In addition to facing social stigma, a conviction of a sex crime can come with harsh criminal penalties. Those who are accused of these crimes are wise to take the accusations seriously.

Being forced to register as a sex offender can make almost everything in your life more difficult. Sex offenders’ registration can impact where you can live, who will rent or sell to you, whether you can get a

Most states have laws to ward off citizens from hiring prostitutes, a profession that is illegal in all 50 states. Basically, by punishing the Johns that solicit sexual services, the state aims to somehow curb that industry (whether

Being charged with rape can ruin your life. Even if you’re found not guilty, people may treat you differently. Case in point: Kobe Bryant. Talk of his untimely death in a helicopter accident inevitably led to a rehashing

Florida sex crimes are covered under multiple statutes and under different names than what we may expect. While most people understand what sexual assault or statutory rape is, what is meant by lewd and lascivious behavior is a

Some defendants are initially shocked when charged with unlawful sexual contact with a minor, or statutory rape as it is commonly called. They may be surprised because they believed their partner was older or because their partner gave

In a 2020 survey, 1 in 6 teens over the age of 15 reported having engaged in sharing nude or sexually explicit photos of themselves. While the phenomenon known as “sexting” sounds like a common practice, these teens

WHAT ARE THE BASIC REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS FOR SEX OFFENDERS AND PREDATORS, INCLUDING JUVENILE OFFENDERS? Sexual offenders must complete a registration form at their county sheriff’s office either twice a year (birth month and every 6th month thereafter) or

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