When you get picked up on cocaine charges in Florida there can be some fairly stiff penalties that you face. No amount of regret can remove the stigma of getting arrested on drug charges. The police sometimes want their arrest record to grow and they are not concerned with your rights. At the Law Office of Mike G. Law, we are concerned with your rights under the laws of Florida. We know that you need someone in your corner who will help fight these cocaine charges.
In Florida, the laws are pretty clear. Section 775.082 of the Florida Statutes deals with this type of arrest and what penalties will be imposed. If you are caught with a small amount of cocaine, either on your body or in your car or home, you are facing third degree felony, if it is less than 28 grams. More than this is considered trafficking and is a first degree felony.
If you are caught selling cocaine in Florida you are facing a second degree felony, a $50,000 fine and three years in jail. We know how much your freedom means to you and will do our best to get you into a pretrial drug intervention program. It is like being on probation but it means that you will go through a substance abuse recovery program. This program is regulated by the state attorney or prosecutor. It requires you to sign a contract that states that you are accepting your problem is large enough to need a treatment program.
It is developed to be extremely tough in part because it is the law. When you get done with the program, you will see your charges commuted. If you breach this agreement and do not complete the program the court will revoke your bond and you will go to jail for six months.