Many individuals may not be immensely knowledgeable on how certain legal processes are carried out. Therefore, when a party is facing drug charges, he or she may not fully understand what type of situation they are about to be thrust into. By gathering information on the criminal proceedings relating to one’s circumstances, a party may be able to prepare more adequately for his or her case.
A man in Florida may be hoping to find out more about his situation after having charges leveled against him. It was reported that the man was driving a vehicle when police attempted to stop the vehicle due to a license place discrepancy. However, the driver of the vehicle allegedly did not stop and led officers on a chase. The authorities abandoned the chase when it became a safety concern.
Police allegedly later located the man when he was attempting to flee on foot. In order to get the man to stop, officers used a Tazer. A small box was reportedly found in the man’s possession, and reports suggest that methamphetamines and opiates were inside. The man was faced with several charges, including possession of a controlled substance.
The drug charges and other allegations have likely created a difficult situation for the man. If he does not have much knowledge on the Florida criminal process for cases that are similar to his circumstances, he may wish to gather helpful information. This information could allow him to gain a better idea of what situations he may need to handle and what decisions could potentially work best for him.
Source:, “Man facing drug charges after chase”, Nov. 18, 2014