

The responsibilities of the Drug Enforcement Administration

The responsibilities of the Drug Enforcement Administration

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The Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, can make arrests in drug-related cases, but they do a lot more than just conduct raids and bring people in for questioning. To better understand their exact role and their authoritative power, consider the following duties and responsibilities that they take on.

The DEA can work in conjunction with other agencies at the local, state and national levels. They focus on running a drug intelligence program and coordinating their efforts with officers from other agencies at all three levels. This gives the DEA a lot of reach in cases of any size. 

The DEA can even work on an international level, with a focus on upholding national laws or treaties, like the Controlled Substances Act or the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act. When necessary, they’ll work in conjunction with international organizations like Interpol and the United Nations to create and enforce drug laws that span borders.

Much of this is done to cut back on the amount of illegal drugs that are available within the country, sometimes by cutting off the flow of drugs from other parts of the world. At the same time, within the United States, they’ll destroy crops and do related work that centers around the Demand Reduction Program.

As you can see, the DEA has a wide range of influence, often spanning borders. Though many arrests are made for local issues like simple drug possession, the flow of drugs is orchestrated by a network that is often international, stretching out farther than many people realize. The DEA takes steps to impact this network for both simple crimes and more complex issues, the latter of which could come with stiffer penalties and sentences.

Some of these charges and sentences can be life-changing, which is why it’s so important that you remember what legal rights you have in Florida and how to protect those rights. Don’t take these accusations lightly, even if you know you did nothing wrong. When squaring off against the strength and influence of the DEA, be sure you have a Tampa drug charge defense attorney fighting for your rights and ensuring you get a fair trial.

Source: FindLaw, “Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Overview,” accessed Aug. 12, 2016

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