

War on Drugs

War on Drugs

The drugs fentanyl and carfentanil have been playing outsized roles in the opioid epidemic, which is already high-profile. Fentanyl is considered to be about 100 times more powerful than morphine, while carfentanil is perhaps 10,000 times more powerful.

“The most important reason to support treatment is to improve the well-being and social function of people with addiction disorders,” writes the co-director of the University of Chicago Crime Lab. But “the economic value of crime reduction largely

In a recent appellate case in another state, a DUI defense attorney brought forward some pretty compelling evidence that the usual methods police use to determine whether someone is under the influence simply don’t apply to marijuana. No

At a recent event before mostly local, state and federal law enforcement officers, newly appointed U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent a clear message to those who believe the War on Drugs has created America’s racist incarceration crisis.

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