

Florida marijuana vote will change drug law landscape

Florida marijuana vote will change drug law landscape

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Florida voters might be less wrapped up in the reality that Donald Trump won the election than others in the country. Why? Because Florida voters chose by a large majority to expand the legalization of medical marijuana. 

In the recent past, a similar proposed amendment was rejected. In this election, more than 70 percent of those who hit the polls voted to change the very limited medical marijuana laws in order to expand the laws and, therefore, help more patients in the state with certain medical conditions.

While voters are either celebrating or worrying about the success of the proposed amendment, it is also important to go beyond the feelings about the vote and to discuss the legal complexities.

First off, the Florida marijuana law change does not take effect until next year. Secondly, healthcare providers, marijuana growers and patients will be expected to follow a specific set of rules in order to fit into the regulatory changes.

Not any patient who wants marijuana will be able to get it. The approved law lists 10 specific medical conditions that make patients eligible to receive a more potent marijuana prescription. Among the conditions are cancer, AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and more.

If you suffer from an illness that you believe will be aided through the use of medicinal marijuana, the change in law could be welcome, good news to you. We do want all Florida patients to be cautious, however. Get as many facts as you can about the drug laws in your state before you make the decision to use the marijuana prescription.

Talking to your medical provider is crucial and helpful, but you might also want to discuss marijuana laws with a trusted drug crimes defense attorney. Particularly when laws are in-flux, confusion and misinformation can lead to drug arrests. A knowledgeable lawyer can help ensure that you carefully make Florida’s drug laws work to help you and your medical needs.

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