

Pharmacists selling Ketamine out the back door charged

Pharmacists selling Ketamine out the back door charged

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Two Pharmacists and a pharmacy technician in Florida have been arrested and charged with selling drugs illegally. One of the drugs, Ketamine, is a veterinary drug that is so potent that the effects of this drug abuse can last for weeks. Ketamine, also known as Cat Tranquilizer, Cat Valium and Jet K, is said to produce a form of amnesia if taken in high quantities. There would be no reason for a pharmacist to be dispensing this drug because it is used as an anesthetic for surgery purposes in humans.

To be specific, Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that was developed on 1963 and replaced PCP. Because the veterinarian population uses it extensively, it is often diverted from them to a street drug for human consumption. It is in a liquid form and has to be injected unless the trafficker of this drug evaporates it into a pill form which is quite common.

The Drug Enforcement Agency raided two different pharmacies, arrested three people and now those pharmacies are closed. The authorities took evidence from both businesses and the neighbors couldn’t be happier. The reputation of the area has been sullied lately because of the high number of clients that come through the door. Many are unsavory characters that make the neighbors to these pharmacies a bit nervous.

The pharmacists face jail time if the charges stick for selling Ketamine and other drugs out the back door of their business. The charges are drug trafficking and possession of drugs with an intent to sell.

Have you been charged with a drug crime? You may need to know that the authorities may charge you with different crimes ranging from possession to trafficking, depending on the amount of illegal drugs that are found on your person or in your home or car. Calling in a legal professional may be a good idea.

Source:, “2 pharmacists charged with selling narcotics for profit,” Sep. 25, 2015

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